Samples from Russell's collection
Russell Gantman took hundreds of photos in High School. Some were on display at the reunion. Here are those, plus some extras that he's sent recently.
Scott and Dana, 1982. We were much cooler 4 years later.
Dana and Charles, 1986
A Scary Bunch of Hooligans, 1986
Mrs. Woolard wearing someone's hat and glasses (I can't imagine whose)
Dana and Darin, Senior Prom
Jeff, Senior Year
John Ramsey, Hatteras Island, Spring Break, April 86
John and Kathy, Senior Prom
Scott and Rachel (c/o '87), Senior Prom
You've come a long way, baby.
June, 1983.
Joseph, Sherry, Jeff, Charles, Scott, Padma (c/o '83), Maria, Dana.
Low Quality Negatives
A co-worker let me borrow his negative scanner for a while. I rooted through the boxes in the attic and found some old sleeves of negatives from High School. Unfortunately, they haven't stood up well to 20+ years and multiple moves between houses. Plus, apparently I had a camera that used very small negatives (110) for some of those years. The little ones don't scan at all.
Here's a few that I scanned in - you can see how badly they've deteriorated. These are the only ones that looked good enough for the effort. They seem to mostly be from Freshman year.
Sherry and admirers. (I spent some time fixing this one. I'm not sure it helped all that much.)
Jennelle camera shy. I think. The quality's pretty poor.
Surely these colors aren't accurate.
Most of the negatives look like this - faded and spotty.
Riding the bus ... before driving (or carpooling).
I think that's Ron Robinson....
Sherry and Michelle and ... ghosts?
I think this is Dana and Russell and Charles. Maybe at Shelley Lake?
Here's one I wish was clearer. Nice tie. I recognize Brian and Daryl.
I think this is actually from a church event, but Neal was in our class so I included it.
This one I have no clue about. Church function? Vacation? School function? And who are these two guys? All I know is that I still have that little white keyboard. Now my kids play with it.
The Video Yearbook
OK, it's a small and low quality version of a 20-year-old videotape. Still, you can pick out a few people and activities in there.
Right click here to download and save the file on your machine.
Snapshots from the back of the book
I found an envelope in the back of my yearbook with a few snapshots in it. They aren't nearly as good as Chip's, but perhaps you'll find them amusing. Click on the little pictures for a marginally better larger picture.
Erica and Martha, danseuses.
Sherry, Pink Lady.
Neal and Meg between the buildings.
Bill, Erica, Neal, Scott, attentive in class.
Michelle in 1986 fashion glory.
Brian paying close attention to Mrs. Woolard.
Dana, Charles, and Greg ... Math class?
Russell in usual form.
Seniors get to eat off campus - and mighty cheaply.
'Nuff said.
Scrapbook Photos
Apparently in 1986 - in the age before digital cameras and Photoshop - I cut up the majority of my photographs and put them into a Senior Memories scrapbook. I'll see what I can do to scan in some of the interesting stuff. Here's a first attempt. Click on the photos for a more legible version.
Brian as a communist, Mrs. Woolard as a Blues Brother, Peter, Sarah Sera, Jack, Heather, Charles, Dolly, Dana, and way too many pictures of me.
Lots of people in here. Sherry, Jeff, Erica, Russell, and Kent, Shelley, Marissa, and others. Who did I miss?